Consider Embrance the ecosystem of Neovim.

Blog written for those who are struggling about switch to Neovim from Vim

Another attribute to use Vim

Ha? you want productivity? Vim is useful only when you edit you vim configuration!

August 2, 2023 4 min

Tips for merging from vim-plug to lazy.nvim

Tips and issue I discovered during mergation. Hope to save someone's time in the future.

Vim Plugins introduction

Desc Text.

Simple hacking and tips to reduce pain in Vim

Simple vimscript that enhance user experience

Vim less pain, setting you will google

Basic setting often googled when first time using Vim/Neovim

The productivity of 'workflow'

Editor is only useful for editing the configuration file of the editor

Markdown writing, Obsidian + Vim, not vim-mode

Obsidian is a local note-taking apps, all the files are saved as .md or .pdf format. Vim or Neovim are great editors that allow you config all days without writing any real code Obsidian has vim-mode, which support Vim modal editing out of the box. However, due to the font size is not unqiue in obsidian, Like the heading has bigger size, the code block is not at the beginning of the line....

Vim plugin recommendation

Vacillate vim are really good, after remember some vim command keyblindings, you can start editing or writing immediately. The main benefits of using plugins can avoid use our poor vimscript. Use some great plugin avoid you to rebuild the wheel. Before you are able to write plugin yourself, trust me, any exist plugins is better than yours. Plugins recommendation 1. vim-plug vim-plug, a plugin manager that help you install, update and manage your plugins....

Vim emluation on Emacs and Vscode

(Edited date: 2023-06-23T11:24:42+08:00) Emacs Evil mode, a Vi layer on top of Emacs, in my understanding, Evil is a collection of keys remapping that blinds Emacs function to vi style keys. I love elisp, its powerful expression, the robust ecosystem built on top of elisp, tones of API that help writing my own plugins. I thought it is the most apporach Vim emluation I have tried, if Emacs is start as emacs -nw, it will successly pretend Vim TUI!...

Dynamic number-symbol row in vim

Abstraction Provide a way to dynamic swap numbers and symbols in vim according to current mode. How this idea come When I write code or writing, I often find the symbols should be easily type as single key stroke, while in vim normal mode I find I would like to press number in single mode instead of pressing with shift. At first, I searched online for solution, many of them suggested to swap numbers and symbols, and I agree it may convient while coding....