Aims to less pain when using vim, if you find other plugins perform the same functionality, I would say use that plugin instead, because plugins usually provide broader function and easier for management compare to discrete vimscript.

Highlight in search

Want Highlight when searching? Dirty but workable solution can map search key into:

nnoremap / :set hlsearch<cr>/
nnoremap ? :set hlsearch<cr>?

nnoremap n :set hlsearch<cr>n
nnoremap N :set hlsearch<cr>N

nnoremap * :set hlsearch<cr>*
nnoremap # :set hlsearch<cr>#

vnoremap * *:set hlsearch<cr>
vnoremap # #:set hlsearch<cr>

Delete highlight after search:

autocmd insertenter * set nohlsearch
autocmd textchanged * set nohlsearch

Clear highlight when enter insert mode, clear highlight when any text being edited.

Hide Cursorline in inactive window

Do you find inactive window still have cursorline shown? Hack with following code:

augroup CursorLine
    autocmd VimEnter * setlocal cursorline
    autocmd WinEnter * setlocal cursorline
    autocmd BufWinEnter * setlocal cursorline
    autocmd WinLeave * setlocal nocursorline
augroup END

Open help page in split window

augroup Init_buffer
    autocmd BufEnter *.txt if &buftype == 'help'
        \ | if winnr('$') <= 2 | wincmd H
        \ | endif | endif  
augroup END

Since I seldom use vim split window in vim, if I really need to split window, I will first use tmux split window. When I need Vim manual, I also want to know what is happening on my current buffer.

Cursor back to last position

au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 1 && line("'\"") <= line("$")
    \ | exe "normal! g'\"" | endif

find digital

nnoremap <Leader>n /\d\+<cr>

A simple Vim regular expression hacking.

Paste in visual mode without pollute register

Since paste in visual mode will first delete content, if you don’t want to pollute your register and keep p the same content, following code may help you.

xnoremap <leader>p "_dP

Number of search items in status line

give more information when searching, you can know numbers of item you search, and the location. This simple hacking is provided by Vim manual, see :help searchcount.

function! s:update_searchcount(timer) abort
    if a:timer ==# s:searchcount_timer
        call searchcount(#{
                    \ recompute: 1, maxcount: 0, timeout: 100})

function! statusline#LastSearchCount() abort
    let result = searchcount(#{recompute: 1})
    if empty(result)
        return ''
    if result.incomplete ==# 1     " timed out
        return printf(' [%s] [?/??]', @/)
    elseif result.incomplete ==# 2 " max count exceeded
        if > result.maxcount &&
                    \  result.current > result.maxcount
            return printf(' [%s] [>%d/>%d]', @/,
                        \ result.current,
        elseif > result.maxcount
            return printf(' [%s] [%d/>%d]', @/,
                        \ result.current,
    return printf(' [%s] [%d/%d]', @/,
                \ result.current,

let &statusline ..= '%=%-5.{statusline#LastSearchCount()}
            \ %(%l,%c-%v%) %p%%'

autocmd CursorMoved,CursorMovedI *
            \ let s:searchcount_timer = timer_start(
            \   200, function('s:update_searchcount'))