
Provide a way to dynamic swap numbers and symbols in vim according to current mode.

How this idea come

When I write code or writing, I often find the symbols should be easily type as single key stroke, while in vim normal mode I find I would like to press number in single mode instead of pressing with shift. At first, I searched online for solution, many of them suggested to swap numbers and symbols, and I agree it may convient while coding. However, I am not coding all day, even during coding, in vim normal mode something it is handy to use number for [count] and command together. So swapping force you to choose one of them for more convenience typing. Another solution is to use number pad layer, I would say it is same as swapping, since I have to press with another key to use numbers, the problem havn’t been solved.

One day, When I was editing code, the idea of toggling nubmer-symbol row come in my mind, then I implement it, and find it solve the problem quite well regarding not prefect.

Number-symbols toggle

Well, it is actually a dead key leader, when I press the toggle key which is equal sign of my keyboard. The nubmer row will swap to symbol row, press again, back to number.

Dynamic Number-symbols row in vim

Since vim is modual, when insert mode, I prefer using symbols over numbers, when normal mode, I prefer the opposite. Then I add some rules for the toggle keys.

Back to normal mode, which is equivalent to press the esc key, so when press esc key, define nst to False. It means toggle number rows.

[:escape :left_control nil {:alone [ ["nst" 0] ["n-layer" 0] :escape  ]} ]

The above snippets is goku code, a config layer on top of Download Karabiner Elements, which is a tools for Mac to remap keyboard layouts.

Enter insert mode, is equivalent to a, i, s, A, I, S, o, O, c, C. Then turn nst to True when type those key.

[:i                           [:i  ["nst" 1]]]   
[:a                           [:a  ["nst" 1]]]   
[:s                           [:s  ["nst" 1]]]   
[:c                           [:c  ["nst" 1]]]   
[:o                           [:o  ["nst" 1]]]   

The above code define nst to True when type i ( not I ).

Furthur more, there is a few more situation I would prefer symbols over number, they are searching and command mode. Then I add those lines also.

[:semicolon                   [:semicolon ["nst" 1]]]   
[:slash                       [:slash ["nst" 1]] ]


Since the layer is define outside vim, it can not avoid symbols row toggle during normal mode, when I type yip in normal mode, the symbol row toggle. Although I can have some line like inoremap 1 ! and cnoremap 2 @, I don’t want to pollute my mapping to much, I give up to implement this in pure vim way. I am interesting to find how to let karabiner know that I am in vim normal mode, so that avoid toggle symbol row accidently.

I have remap equal sign to the caps lock, so it is possible for me to have one dead key, if you want to implement also, you may find your own.